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Dictionary Suite
car park (chiefly British) a usu. paved area where motor vehicles can be parked; parking lot.
dimmer (usu. pl.) the parking lights or low-beam headlights of a vehicle. [1/2 definitions]
garage a business or a commercial building for repairing or parking cars, trucks, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
lot an area of land used for parking vehicles or for exhibiting vehicles for sale. [1/8 definitions]
meter maid a woman, usu. a police officer, whose job is to write tickets for parking violations.
motel a hotel with parking spaces near the bedrooms for those who travel by car.
parking meter a device that stands next to a parking space on a street. You put money in it to pay for parking.
parkway (chiefly British) a railway station, usu. with extensive parking facilities, serving suburban commuters. [1/2 definitions]
pkwy. (chiefly British) abbreviation of "parkway," a railway station, usu. with extensive parking facilities, serving suburban commuters. [1/2 definitions]
shopping center a group of stores that share a parking area and often include other businesses and restaurants.
speed bump a raised concrete or asphalt ridge, as in a parking lot, to discourage speeding.
stall1 a designated space for parking a car. [1/13 definitions]
Tarmac trademark for a bituminous substance used in paving and surfacing roads, parking lots, and the like. [2 definitions]
taxi stand a parking area reserved for taxicabs waiting to be hired.
ticket a legal summons, as for a traffic or parking violation. [1/10 definitions]
valet designating personal services such as pressing one's clothes or parking one's car. [1/5 definitions]