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animism the belief that the universe and all of its material objects, beings, and phenomena possess a spirit or consciousness. [1/3 definitions]
botany the biological phenomena characteristic of a particular plant group. [1/4 definitions]
chemistry chemical properties and phenomena. [1/4 definitions]
cytology processes or phenomena involving the formation of cells or structures internal to cells. [1/2 definitions]
dynamism any of various philosophical theories that hold that natural phenomena are based in force or energy. [1/2 definitions]
electricity a physical phenomenon caused by the movement of certain charged particles such as electrons, esp. between points having different electrical charges, and seen in naturally occurring phenomena such as lightning and magnetic attraction and repulsion. [1/4 definitions]
electrodynamics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of physics that deals with the relationship between electric, magnetic, and mechanical phenomena.
Guinness Book of World Records a book published yearly since 1955 compiling thousands of world records including both human achievements and natural phenomena.
hypothesis a proposed explanation that accounts for observed phenomena or known facts and that can be used to guide further investigation. [1/3 definitions]
interferometer a device used to make precise measurements of wavelengths using acoustic, optical, or microwave interference phenomena.
magnetism the source of magnetic phenomena. [1/3 definitions]
materialism the philosophic theory that physical matter and its related forces are the source or cause of all phenomena. [1/2 definitions]
meteorologist a scientist who studies the weather and atmospheric phenomena. Some meteorologists make weather forecasts for the public.
natural relating to the sciences that deal with the phenomena of nature. [1/9 definitions]
natural science the branches of science that deal with objective, measurable phenomena as observed in nature, such as biology and chemistry.
occult the supernatural, its phenomena, agencies, or powers (usu. prec. by "the"). [1/8 definitions]
parapsychology the scientific study of mental phenomena, such as telepathy or clairvoyance, that have no current scientific explanation.
phenomenal of or relating to phenomena. [1/3 definitions]
phenomenology the philosophical study of phenomena, esp. of subjective perceptual experience, as distinguished from ontology, the study of being.
physiography the science that deals with the natural features, structure, and phenomena of the earth's surface, such as climate and the distribution of plants and animals; physical geography.
plate a tectonic plate, any of the several segments of Earth's crust and upper mantle that move in relation to one another causing such phenomena as continental drift and volcanic eruptions. [1/10 definitions]