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acupuncturist a person, esp. a physician, chiropractor, or healthcare professional, who practices acupuncture.
Albert Schweitzer a French physician, musician, and missionary in Africa (b.1875--d.1965).
alienist a physician specializing in mental disorders, esp. one who testifies about mental competency in legal proceedings.
diplomate a person who holds a diploma, esp. a physician or engineer certified as a specialist by a board of respected professionals.
doctor a person licensed to care for or treat people or animals, such as a physician, dentist, or veterinarian. (abbr.: Dr.) [1/6 definitions]
doctor's office a building, or place within a building, used by a single physician or group of physicians, where patients can consult with or be treated by a doctor on an appointment basis.
general practitioner a practicing physician who does not specialize in any specific field of medicine but treats a variety of medical problems.
GP abbreviation of "general practitioner," a practicing physician who does not specialize in any specific field of medicine but treats a variety of medical problems.
hakim1 in Muslim countries, a physician or a wise man.
Hippocrates a Greek physician (460?-377? B.C.).
house physician the resident physician of a hospital, hotel, or other establishment.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, esp. from drugs or surgery.
medical examiner a physician who examines applicants for life insurance. [1/2 definitions]
professional a person involved in one of the professions, such as a physician, teacher, or attorney. [1/7 definitions]
Sigmund Freud an Austrian physician and the founder of psychoanalysis (b.1856--d.1939).