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Dictionary Suite
albino an animal or human that has a congenital lack of pigmentation resulting in abnormally pale skin and hair and pink eyes, or a plant that similarly lacks pigmentation.
color nonwhite skin pigmentation. [1/12 definitions]
colored (old-fashioned; often offensive) having dark skin pigmentation; of a race other than white. [1/3 definitions]
freckle a light brown dot or mark of pigmentation in the skin, often brought out by exposure to sunlight. [1/3 definitions]
hemochromatosis an iron metabolism disorder, characterized by brownish skin pigmentation, enlargement of the liver, and diabetes.
hyperpigmentation combined form of pigmentation.
leukoderma a lack of skin pigmentation, either total or partial, that results in white patches.
melanism an esp. high amount of dark pigmentation, as in hair, skin, feathers, or the like. [2 definitions]