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Dictionary Suite
doloroso in a sorrowful manner; plaintive (used as a musical direction).
howl a long, loud, plaintive cry or sound, such as that of a wolf or dog. [1/8 definitions]
mourning dove a variety of grayish dove that is identified by its plaintive cooing.
plangent having a sad or mournful sound; plaintive. [1/2 definitions]
spiritual a religious, often joyous, sometimes plaintive song of a type originating among Black people in the southern United States. [1/7 definitions]
wailful resembling a wail; plaintive; mournful. [1/2 definitions]
whimper to cry in weak plaintive intermittent sounds. [2/5 definitions]
whine to utter a prolonged high plaintive cry, as in pain, complaint, or fear. [1/6 definitions]
yowl to give forth a loud, plaintive, or distressed cry or wail. [2 definitions]