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Dictionary Suite
arrow a sign with a shape like this weapon. An arrow is used to point out a place or show which way to go. [1/2 definitions]
attached used to refer to or point out another document enclosed with a letter or e-mail (prec. by "the"). [1/4 definitions]
chide to point out someone's faults. [1/3 definitions]
designate to point out or name. [1/3 definitions]
distinguish to understand or point out differences (usually followed by "between"). [1/4 definitions]
find fault to seek out or point out flaws or imperfections (usu. fol. by "with").
however in spite of that; yet; but (used to point out the contrast between or opposition of ideas in a sentence or between adjacent sentences). [1/5 definitions]
indicate to show or point out.
x2 a mark used to point out a particular place on a map. [1/4 definitions]