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Early American of or characteristic of the colonial and post-colonial periods of U.S. history, esp. of the furniture, utensils, quilts, and other handicrafts produced during this time.
Generation X the generation following the post-WWII baby boom, esp. those born in the U.S. and Canada in the 1960s and 1970s.
Gilded Age in U.S. history, the post-Civil War era, characterized by rapid industrialization, economic expansion, and widespread corruption in business and government.
louis d'or a gold coin minted in post-Revolutionary France worth twenty francs; louis. [1/2 definitions]
Modern Hebrew the Hebrew language of post-Biblical times, esp. the language of modern Israel.
neo-fascism any of various post-World War II political movements or doctrines that are similar in viewpoint to that of fascism.
post-obit a bond given by a person that is payable after the death of another person from whom the first person expects to inherit; post-obit bond. [1/2 definitions]
Rabbinic of or designating the post-Biblical Hebrew language, as used by rabbis in the Middle Ages.