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archaeology the systematic and scientific study of past human life and culture using information gained from the analysis of their artifacts, such as pottery, tools, buildings, and the like.
Belleek a thin, glossy Irish pottery that resembles porcelain.
clay earth that consists mainly of hydrated silicates of aluminum, and is used for making bricks, pottery, and tiles. [1/3 definitions]
craze to produce fine cracks in the surface or finish of, as the glaze on pottery. [1/6 definitions]
crazed (of pottery or porcelain) having fine cracks in the glaze, sometimes intentionally created for decorative effect. [1/2 definitions]
delft any similar pottery. [1/2 definitions]
earthenware pottery, dishes, or ornaments made of baked clay.
enamel a glossy, usu. opaque coating fused by heat to metal, glass, pottery, or other surfaces for protection or decoration, or objects so coated. [1/5 definitions]
faience pottery decorated with highly colored, opaque glazes. [1/2 definitions]
festoon a representation of such a chain, as in sculpture or pottery. [1/4 definitions]
glaze to apply a smooth, usu. bonded coating to (pottery) with heat. [1/9 definitions]
graniteware pottery with a gray speckled glaze that resembles granite. [2/3 definitions]
ironstone a durable pottery used for dishes; ironstone china. [1/2 definitions]
jar1 a wide-mouthed cylindrical container, usu. made of glass or pottery, and often having a lid. [1/2 definitions]
kiln a furnace or oven for burning lime, hardening pottery or brick, drying lumber, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
kiln-dry to dry (pottery or the like) in a kiln.
lead2 to glaze (pottery) with a substance containing lead. [1/10 definitions]
majolica a kind of Italian pottery that is enameled and glazed with tin oxide, usu. highly colored and decorated.
muffle a part of a furnace or kiln used to bake or fire something such as pottery without direct contact with the fire. [1/5 definitions]
mug a tall, cylindrical, often heavy drinking cup of pottery, glass, or metal, usu. with a handle. [1/4 definitions]
potsherd a fragment of broken pottery, esp. one with archaeological significance.