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actuate to put into action or set in motion; cause to operate. [1/2 definitions]
ante in poker, an amount of money that a player must put into play before seeing his or her cards. [2/3 definitions]
apply to put into effect or action. [1/6 definitions]
arrange to put in an order. [1/2 definitions]
array to put in order or position; organize or arrange. [1/5 definitions]
bag to fill a bag with; put in a bag. [1/4 definitions]
balance to subtract the amount of money that you have taken out of your bank account from the amount of money you have put into it. [1/4 definitions]
block to put into a rough form; outline (usu. fol. by "out"). [1/19 definitions]
box lunch an individual light meal, prepared and put in a box to be eaten later, as during travel or at a picnic.
bring into play to put into motion or effect.
bundle to put into a bundle. [1/3 definitions]
bury to put in a grave or tomb, or in the sea. [1/2 definitions]
cage to put into or keep in a cage or something like a cage. [1/4 definitions]
can2 to put in a sealed jar to keep fresh for future use. [1/3 definitions]
capture to put into a lasting form; preserve. [1/3 definitions]
cartridge a small case that holds some material or a piece of equipment. A cartridge is put into a larger device to help make it work. [1/3 definitions]
categorize to put into groups that have common characteristics; arrange by categories; classify. [1/2 definitions]
cemetery a place where the bodies of dead people are put in the ground.
change anything exchanged for or put in place of something else. [1/10 definitions]
clip2 a device holding several bullets that is put into a gun. [1/3 definitions]
code to put into a system of symbols for sending messages. [1/3 definitions]