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acute of a disease, occurring suddenly, then rapidly progressing to a peak and coming shortly to an end. (Cf. chronic.) [1/7 definitions]
arpeggio the playing of each note in a musical chord rapidly, one after the other rather than simultaneously. [1/2 definitions]
back-pedal in boxing, to move rapidly backward from one's opponent. [1/3 definitions]
ball lightning a rare form of lightning manifested in the form of a glowing reddish ball, approximately six inches to a foot in diameter, that moves rapidly along the ground or in the air until it disintegrates.
balloon to increase rapidly. [1/8 definitions]
barrage an overwhelming quantity of things following one another rapidly. [1/3 definitions]
beat to stir rapidly. [1/9 definitions]
betatron in physics, an electron accelerator in which the speed of the electrons is increased to high energies, from a few million to a few hundred million electron volts, by the action of a rapidly changing magnetic field.
blaze1 to shoot firearms rapidly and steadily. [1/6 definitions]
bob1 to jerk down and up or nod rapidly. [1/4 definitions]
bomb cyclone a cyclone that rapidly intensifies in areas outside of the tropics. A bomb cyclone may bring with it a vast amount of snow or rain over an area.
boom1 to grow rapidly or flourish, esp. economically. [2/7 definitions]
break to move away suddenly and rapidly. [1/19 definitions]
breakaway in certain sports, of or designating a play in which one player moves rapidly down the playing area with the potential to score, as in a basketball fast break. [1/6 definitions]
bungee jumping a recreational activity in which a person harnessed to the end of a long, anchored, elasticized rope, or bungee, steps off a height, rapidly drops hundreds of feet in the air, then bounces up and back down, repeatedly, while the movement gradually slows to a stop.
bustle1 to move rapidly and energetically (often fol. by "about"). [1/3 definitions]
chatter to speak rapidly and without saying anything important. [1/5 definitions]
churn out to produce or manufacture rapidly or in large quantity.
clack to speak rapidly or incessantly, esp. of unimportant matters; chatter. [1/8 definitions]
clip1 to pronounce precisely and rapidly, leaving out some sounds. [1/11 definitions]
clipped of speech, rapidly articulated so as to omit certain sounds.