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age of consent the age at which a person, usu. female, is legally considered to be competent to consent to sexual relations, used as a standard in determining whether statutory rape has occurred.
Alex Haley a U.S. author celebrated for his pulitzer prize-winning work of historical fiction, Roots: The Saga of an American Family (1976), a publication whose subsequent television broadcast adaptation spawned a national discussion about race and race relations (b.1921--d.1992).
amity friendly and peaceful relations; good will.
bestiality an act or practice of sexual relations between a person and an animal. [1/2 definitions]
breach a breaking off of friendly relations. [1/7 definitions]
celibate one who abstains from sexual relations. [2/4 definitions]
correlative in grammar, of or denoting a construction or paired words that indicate alternatives or reciprocal, mutual, or parallel relations, such as "either" and "or" in "He'll come either today or tomorrow" and "both" and "and" in "Both the house and the garage caught fire." [1/4 definitions]
cuckold a man whose wife has sexual relations with someone else. [1/2 definitions]
dealing (usu. pl.) business transactions; official interactions or relations. [2 definitions]
drop to stop employing; stop having relations with. [1/17 definitions]
electromagnetism the branch of physics that deals with the relations between magnetism and electric current; electromagnetics. [1/2 definitions]
external outside national boundaries, esp. in regard to commerce or governmental relations; foreign. [1/6 definitions]
extramarital of or pertaining to sexual relations between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse; adulterous.
faithful sexually loyal; not having sexual relations with those other than one's partner or spouse. [1/7 definitions]
fornicate to have sexual relations out of marriage.
fornication voluntary sexual relations between a man and woman not married to each other.
fraternize to have friendly or intimate relations with a member or members of a hostile or alien group, such as occupying enemy troops or civilians in an occupied country. [1/2 definitions]
hanky-panky illicit sexual relations. [1/2 definitions]
intercourse sexual relations, esp. coital relations. [1/2 definitions]
international of or having to do with two or more nations, or to the affairs of or relations between two or more nations. [1/2 definitions]
jilt to break off relations with (a lover, fiancée, or the like) esp. without good cause.