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abstraction an abstract or general idea, concept, or term. [1/4 definitions]
accommodate to be or become adaptable; conform. [1/6 definitions]
accouterment (often pl.) one's outfit or equipment, esp. that of a soldier, exclusive of arms and uniform. [1/2 definitions]
affirm to ratify or confirm. [1/2 definitions]
affirmable combined form of affirm.
allomerism change in chemical composition without accompanying change in crystalline form.
allotropy the existence of some chemical elements in more than one structural form.
allure the force of appeal or charm. [1/4 definitions]
angleworm a worm used as bait in fishing, esp. an earthworm.
angry as if exhibiting anger, as a storm. [1/3 definitions]
anomalistic tending to differ from the norm. [1/2 definitions]
antiphonary a collection of antiphons in book form.
antireform combined form of reform.
antistrophe the second stanza of any poem consisting of alternating stanzas in contrasting metrical form. [1/2 definitions]
arm1 any part that extends from a main body and resembles an arm. [1/3 definitions]
armlet a band worn as an ornament, usu. on the upper arm. [1/2 definitions]
ascarid any of various worms, including intestinal parasites such as the roundworm and the pinworm.
asseverate to declare with solemnity and earnestness; affirm.
assimilate to adapt and conform. [1/8 definitions]
aver to assert to be true; affirm.
avow to assert or affirm. [1/2 definitions]