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Dictionary Suite
boarding school an elementary or secondary school at which the students live as well as take classes.
grammar school formerly, a secondary school that emphasized the study of the classical languages. [1/2 definitions]
gymnasium in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, a secondary school for students who wish to prepare for university. [1/3 definitions]
headmaster a man who is principal of an elementary or secondary school, esp. a private school for boys.
headmistress a woman who is principal of an elementary or secondary school, esp. a private school for girls.
lycée a government-funded secondary school in France that prepares students to enter a university.
new math a system of teaching mathematics based on set theory, used in many U.S. elementary and secondary schools since the middle of the twentieth century.
practice teacher a college student who teaches elementary or secondary school under the supervision of an experienced teacher; student teacher.
preparatory school a usu. private secondary school that prepares students for college.
public school in the US, an elementary or secondary school that is part of a system of free schools supported by public taxes and supervised by local officials. [1/2 definitions]
secondary of or pertaining to a secondary school. [1/6 definitions]
senior high school a secondary school comprising grades ten, eleven, and twelve, and sometimes grade nine; high school.
social studies a course of study including history, geography, civics, and other social sciences in elementary and secondary schools.
student teacher a college student in training to become a teacher who teaches in an elementary or secondary school under close supervision, usu. to fulfill a requirement for a degree in education; practice teacher.
trade school a school, often a secondary school, in which the emphasis is on the teaching of skilled trades.