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Dictionary Suite
chlorella any of various fresh-water, single-celled green algae.
cilium one of the microscopic hairlike structures on the surface of many cells, providing locomotion in single-celled animals and movement of fluid across the cells that line certain organs, such as the lungs or stomach, in complex animals. [1/3 definitions]
diatom any of various tiny single-celled algae having cell walls of silica.
dinoflagellate any of an order of single-celled marine organisms, classified variously as algae and protozoa, that have two flagella, are usu. luminescent, and include forms responsible for red tide. [1/2 definitions]
flagellum a whiplike filament extending from certain simple cells, such as reproductive cells or single-celled animals, used mainly for locomotion. [1/3 definitions]
foraminifer any of several single-celled marine organisms that have chalky cells perforated by tiny pores through which thin pseudopods protrude, and that form the chief component of chalk.
monad a single-celled organism, esp. a simple type of flagellated protozoan. [1/3 definitions]
red tide a brownish red discoloration of sea waters caused by a local overabundance of certain single-celled algae that are toxic to many forms of marine life.