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alexandrine (sometimes cap.) in poetry, a twelve-syllable line with alternating unstressed and stressed syllables, usu. with a clear pause after six syllables. [1/2 definitions]
alligator flag any of a family of large, broad-leafed, tropical, aquatic plants that usually grow up to six feet tall and have heavy blooms of delicate blue and purple flowers.
ball lightning a rare form of lightning manifested in the form of a glowing reddish ball, approximately six inches to a foot in diameter, that moves rapidly along the ground or in the air until it disintegrates.
benzene ring the graphic representation of the benzene molecule or its derivatives as a hexagon with a carbon atom at each of its six points, and with attached atoms of hydrogen or other elements.
bezique a card game similar to pinochle but using two of each card higher than a six.
Bluebeard in folklore, a man who married and then killed six wives.
canasta a card game for two to six players, similar to rummy and using two decks of cards.
carbon a chemical element that has six protons in each nucleus and that occurs in pure forms as diamond and graphite, or in a large variety of compounds such as carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, and petroleum hydrocarbons. (symbol: C) [1/7 definitions]
Cayuga a member of a tribe of North American Indians that formerly lived near Cayuga and Seneca Lakes in upstate New York, and that belongs to the Six Nations. [1/2 definitions]
Central Standard Time the standard time used in the central region of the United States, six hours behind Greenwich time.
chain a unit of length, used in surveying, that is equal to sixty-six feet or 20.1 meters, and used in engineering, equal to one hundred feet or 30.48 meters. [1/9 definitions]
Chinese checkers a board game for two to six players in which marbles are moved across a pattern of holes that resembles a six-pointed star.
CST abbreviation of "Central Standard Time," the standard time used in the central region of the United States, six hours behind Greenwich time.
cube1 a rectangular solid with six square faces all of the same size. [1/5 definitions]
cuboid a geometric shape with six rectangular sides. [1/4 definitions]
curium a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has ninety-six protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Cm)
dice small cubes with dots on each side numbering one to six, often used in pairs for board games and games of chance. [1/4 definitions]
elementary school a school in which the first six to eight years of a child's education is taught.
Euratom the European Atomic Energy Community, comprised of six nations to coordinate the development and marketing of their nuclear resources.
fathom a unit of length equal to six feet, used to measure the depth of water or mines. [1/3 definitions]
five the number that follows four and precedes six in the sequence of cardinal numbers. [1/3 definitions]