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betake to take (usu. oneself) somewhere.
carry-out a commercial establishment that prepares and sells food that is usu. eaten somewhere else; take-out. [1/2 definitions]
come along to join others in going somewhere. [1/4 definitions]
drag to cause (oneself or another) to move or go somewhere despite reluctance or lack of interest. [1/13 definitions]
drop by to come for a casual and usually brief visit or errand, generally with little or no planning and often on one's way to somewhere else.
elsewhere in or to another place; somewhere else.
float around (informal) to be somewhere in the area (used when the precise location of someone or something is not known to the speaker.)
foot it to go somewhere by walking.
go1 to move off or proceed somewhere for a specified purpose or activity. [1/28 definitions]
go along to join others in going somewhere; accompany. [1/2 definitions]
go off to head somewhere for a particular purpose; leave in order to do something. [1/8 definitions]
go out to go somewhere outside of one's home, esp. for a meal, entertainment, or social engagement. [1/6 definitions]
hijack to take charge of (an airplane or other vehicle) by force, so as to compel it to go somewhere, to demand ransom, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
mislay to put (something) somewhere and forget where it is; lose, often temporarily.
old-timer someone who has been involved in something, or who has lived somewhere, for a long time. [1/2 definitions]
resident living somewhere temporarily while studying or discharging business. [1/6 definitions]
set aside to not use (something) immediately but keep somewhere in reach for later. [1/4 definitions]
set off to begin going somewhere, esp. on a trip. [1/5 definitions]
someplace in, to, or at some unspecified location; somewhere.
stand to be situated somewhere. [1/25 definitions]
stringer a newspaper reporter who covers local news for a paper published somewhere else. [1/2 definitions]