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bistre a pigment made from the soot of burned wood, having a yellowish or dark brown color. [1/2 definitions]
carbon the carbon ash that results when wood or other organic matter is burned in the presence of little or no air; charcoal or soot. [1/7 definitions]
decarbonize to remove carbon or soot from.
grime dirt, soot, or the like, esp. clinging to or embedded in a surface. [1/2 definitions]
smut a small piece of dirt or soot, or the smudge or mark made by it. [1/6 definitions]
smutty soiled with soot, dirt, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
soot to smudge, coat, or cover with soot. [1/2 definitions]
sooty covered, blackened, or dirty with soot. [2 definitions]
sumi a mixture of soot and glue, made in the form of sticks that are dipped in water and used in a Japanese style of calligraphy and painting.