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Dictionary Suite
agglutinate stuck together, as by glue. [1/4 definitions]
aground touching or stuck on ground, esp. under water; stranded. [1/2 definitions]
bog to become or cause to be stuck or immobilized as in a bog (usu. fol. by "down"). [1/2 definitions]
bumper sticker a usu. rectangular piece of laminated paper printed with a slogan, aphorism, advertisement, or the like that may be stuck to the bumper of an automobile.
fixate to become fixed or stuck. [1/5 definitions]
pincushion a small padded cushion used to store pins that are stuck into it.
unstick to loose or free from being stuck together or to something else.
wedge to squeeze into or become stuck in a small or narrow space. [1/8 definitions]