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emotion a strong feeling or subjective response such as joy, hatred, or love, sometimes accompanied by involuntary physical changes such as increased pulse or by activity such as crying, laughing, or trembling. [2/3 definitions]
emotional easily roused to subjective response; tending to experience emotion. [1/4 definitions]
expressionism a movement in the arts of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that emphasized the artist's subjective experience or perceptions, expressed through symbolic and often distorted or unconventional treatment of material.
gonzo (slang) esp. in journalism, bizarre, exaggerated, and intentionally subjective.
immanent in philosophy, of or pertaining to a thought process taking place completely within the mind and having no effect outside it; subjective. [1/3 definitions]
impressionism comparable movements in literature, poetry, and music that sought to render subjective impressions and moods through evocative harmonies, associations, and the like. [1/2 definitions]
lyricism a strong, spontaneous outpouring of subjective feeling; enthusiasm; exuberance. [1/2 definitions]
new journalism (sometimes cap.) a style of reporting characterized by the reporter's subjective interpretations and the insertion of dramatized, fictional events, conversations, and the like.
nonsubjective combined form of subjective.
phenomenology the philosophical study of phenomena, esp. of subjective perceptual experience, as distinguished from ontology, the study of being.
Rorschach test a psychological test in which a profile of the patient is formed on the basis of the patient's subjective interpretation of standardized designs that resemble ink blots.
subjectivism the quality or condition of being subjective. [1/2 definitions]
value judgment an estimate, usu. subjective, of the worth of a person, object, event, or the like, esp. when such an estimate is not called for.