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accidental in music, a symbol that indicates that a note should be played or sung one or two semitones higher or lower than is otherwise indicated. In most cases, the pitch is to be raised or lowered by one half step, as from F natural to F sharp. [1/5 definitions]
ad-lib to make up or do without preparation; improvise (something spoken, sung, or played). [2/3 definitions]
antiphon a song or part of a song to be sung in response, often in a religious service.
aria a solo piece for voice with instrumental accompaniment, usu. sung in an opera. [1/2 definitions]
arpeggio a chord so played or sung. [1/2 definitions]
auld lang syne (cap.) a Scottish song traditionally sung at midnight on New Year's Eve in many English-speaking countries. The contemporary melody is also popular in many other countries but may be sung on different occasions and with different lyrics. [1/2 definitions]
berceuse a soothing song, as would be sung to an infant; lullaby.
chant a song, esp. one which is sung on the same note or few notes throughout. [2/7 definitions]
chantey a sailor's song, esp. one sung to the rhythm of the work.
choral written to be sung or spoken by a chorus or choir. [1/3 definitions]
chorale a hymn, esp. one arranged to be sung or played in parts. [1/2 definitions]
chorus a musical composition meant to be sung by a large number of people. [2/6 definitions]
descant a secondary, usu. higher, melody that is played or sung at the same time as the chief melody. [1/4 definitions]
evensong a song sung in the evening. [1/3 definitions]
folk music music originated, handed down, and played or sung by the common folk of a region or country, often fairly simple and repetitive in structure. [1/2 definitions]
gospel a rhythmic and intensely emotional American music, developed from folk music and spirituals, that is written or sung for or as if for a Christian religious service; gospel music. [1/6 definitions]
High Mass a Catholic mass in which parts of the text are sung by the celebrant, often with additional music, incense, and ceremony. (Cf. Low Mass.)
holler a work song formerly sung by black American farm hands, esp. during the period of slavery. [1/5 definitions]
introit a psalm or hymn sung at the beginning of various services in other churches, esp. the Anglican Church. [1/2 definitions]
Low Mass a mass that is recited, rather than sung, by one priest assisted by one acolyte.
lullaby a song sung esp. to put a child to sleep. [1/2 definitions]