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bow2 a weapon, used for shooting arrows, made of a curved strip of wood or other material with a cord stretched taut between the two ends. [1/7 definitions]
draw to make taut. [1/19 definitions]
lax not taut or compact; slack or loose. [1/3 definitions]
loose not tightly drawn or stretched; not taut; slack. [1/15 definitions]
slack1 not tight or taut. [1/12 definitions]
stretch to pull or draw tightly; make taut. [1/19 definitions]
tauten to make or become taut.
tense1 pulled or stretched tightly; taut. [1/4 definitions]
tight stretched taut. [1/11 definitions]
unbend to relax or remove the tension in or from (something bent, stretched taut, or the like); straighten; loosen. [1/3 definitions]