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Dictionary Suite
foursome a match between two pairs of partners, as in golf or bridge, or the participants therein. [1/2 definitions]
inglenook a corner, or a bench therein, for sitting by a recessed fireplace.
pH a symbol for a measure of the degree of alkalinity or acidity of a solution, determined by the concentration or activity of hydrogen ions therein (often fol. by a number, with seven indicating neutrality, zero to six indicating acidity, and eight to fourteen indicating alkalinity).
pulp a book or magazine containing sensational material, or the tawdry writing contained therein. [1/8 definitions]
selective service a system of compulsory military service, or of selecting those who will serve therein.
sit-in an organized passive occupation of a prohibited area, as in a racially segregated establishment, a university, or a corporation, to demonstrate against the policies pursued therein.
SSS abbreviation of "Selective Service System," a system of compulsory military service, or of selecting those who will serve therein.