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backstairs secret or underhanded; clandestine.
devious not open, honest, or straightforward; sneaky; underhanded. [1/2 definitions]
finagle (informal) to use underhanded, indirect, or tricky techniques to achieve one's goal. [1/3 definitions]
fuck over (vulgar slang) to treat (someone) in a very unfair, harsh, or underhanded manner.
funny underhanded or deceitful. [1/4 definitions]
furtive seemingly underhanded; shifty. [1/2 definitions]
pitchout in football, an underhanded lateral or backward pass from the quarterback to one of the running backs. [1/2 definitions]
shyster a person, usu. a lawyer, who uses underhanded, unethical methods.
sneaking underhanded, furtive, or stealthy. [1/3 definitions]
sneaky of or like a sneak; furtive or underhanded.
underhand secret and sneaky; underhanded. [1/3 definitions]
wind2 to gain access to in a misleading or underhanded way. [1/11 definitions]