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Dictionary Suite
belligerence a very aggressive or hostile attitude; warlike nature. [1/2 definitions]
belligerent having or showing an eagerness to fight; aggressive; warlike. [1/4 definitions]
fascism (often cap.) a system of government characterized by strong, often dictatorial control of political and economic affairs, and often by warlike nationalism and brutal suppression of political dissidents and ethnic minorities. [1/3 definitions]
hawk1 (informal) a person who favors war or a warlike attitude as national policy. (Cf. dove1.) [1/5 definitions]
on the warpath seeking, preparing for, or fighting in a war or warlike conflict. [1/2 definitions]
unwarlike combined form of warlike.
warlord a military leader who governs or has great influence in an area or country that is warlike or at war.
warpath among Native Americans, a condition of preparing for, traveling in search of, or engaging in war or warlike actions (prec. by on "the").