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ambergris a gray, waxy substance from the intestines of sperm whales, used in making perfume.
amyloid a result of the degeneration of body tissue, occurring in the form of a hard waxy protein deposit. [1/3 definitions]
bayberry any of several types of shrubs or trees found esp. in the eastern United States that bear a waxy, gray fruit. [1/2 definitions]
begonia a tropical plant of which some species are cultivated as houseplants, bearing bright, waxy flowers of various colors and having leaves that are often varicolored or veined.
carbon paper very thin paper coated on one side with carbon or a dark waxy pigment, that is placed between two sheets of paper and produces a copy on the lower sheet of text that is written or typed on the upper.
cere a waxy, fleshy, often brightly colored area at the upper part of the beak in certain birds, such as some parrots, eagles, or hawks, that contains the nostrils.
cerumen a waxy yellow secretion from glands in the outer ear canal; earwax.
cutin a waxy mixture of fatty substances found in the nonliving cuticle of plants.
cypripedium any of various tropical orchids that bear flowers of a waxy texture. [1/2 definitions]
earwax the waxy brownish yellow substance produced in the passage of the outer ear; cerumen.
heptachlor an insoluble waxy solid used as an insecticide.
Indian pipe an almost leafless waxy white plant, related to heath, that lives on decayed organic matter, bears a single white flower on each stalk, and looks like a tobacco pipe.
mealybug any of several destructive, soft-bodied, scalelike insects that secrete a white, powdery, waxy protective coating.
paraffin an odorless waxy white substance derived from petroleum, wood, or coal and used to make candles, sealing materials, and waxed paper. [1/3 definitions]
scale insect any of numerous four-winged sucking insects, the females of which cover themselves with a round, waxy scale, under which they live on plants and deposit their eggs.
Solomon's seal any of several perennial lilies that have broad waxy leaves and bear small greenish flowers and blue or black berries. [1/2 definitions]
sperm2 a white waxy solid obtained from the oil of the sperm whale's head, and used in cosmetics, ointments, and candles; spermaceti. [1/2 definitions]
spermaceti a white waxy substance obtained from oil in the head of a sperm whale, used in candles, cosmetics, and ointments.
Stilton a waxy, white cheese with veins of bluish mold and a wrinkled rind.
wax1 the waxy brownish yellow substance produced in the passage of the outer ear; earwax. [1/5 definitions]
wax bean the slender, waxy, yellow seed pod produced by this plant, harvested in its immature state for use as a table vegetable. [1/2 definitions]