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actually although one would not expect it; surprisingly. [1/2 definitions]
and so forth followed by what one would expect. [1/2 definitions]
and so on followed by what one would expect. [1/2 definitions]
angle1 the space between the lines of such a figure as measured in degrees, the number of which reflects the amount of turning that would be required to move one of the lines so that it meets and overlaps the other. [1/10 definitions]
apostrophe1 a mark (') used to show the omission of one or more letters or numbers from a word or figure, as in "wouldn't" for "would not" and "'87" for "1987". [1/3 definitions]
as if how it would be if.
berceuse a soothing song, as would be sung to an infant; lullaby.
celestial pole either of two points in the celestial sphere that the earth's axis would intersect if it were extended.
coddle to treat with indulgence, as one would treat an invalid or baby; pamper. [1/2 definitions]
collocation in linguistics, the tendency of certain words to occur together in speech or writing with more frequency than chance would predict, or the particular ways that words tend to combine with each other within a particular language. [1/2 definitions]
commodity dollar a proposed unit of currency whose value would vary according to an official index of key commodity prices.
compose a number in mathematics education, to add together different place values to make a complete number. For example, to compose the number 231, you would add the three place values that make up this number, a 200, a 30, and a 1.
could do with would benefit from (something); need or needs to some degree.
decompose a number in mathematics education, to separate a number into its component place values. For example, to decompose the number 231 you would write "200+30+1".
defense mechanism in psychology, an unconscious process that submerges or opposes ideas or actions that would be painful or inappropriate. [1/2 definitions]
dirty linen private matters that one would be embarrassed or ashamed to have made public.
Equal Rights Amendment a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit the infringement of rights because of gender.
equity in law, a system supplementing the common law and serving to allow flexibility in cases where strict application of the law would result in hardship or unfairness. [1/5 definitions]
ERA abbreviation of "Equal Rights Amendment," a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit the infringement of rights because of gender.
family tree one's ancestors as would be represented on such a diagram. [1/2 definitions]
far be it from me I would not dare or venture.