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abbreviate to represent in writing by using a shorter form or a few letters. [1/2 definitions]
abbreviation a short form of a word or phrase used in writing.
above in an earlier place in a book or other piece of writing. [1/9 definitions]
Anglo-Saxon plain or blunt, as some English speech or writing. [1/5 definitions]
anticlimax a descent from important or powerful ideas, esp. in speech or writing, to much less significant ones. [1/3 definitions]
apologist a person who argues in defense or justification of a doctrine, belief, action, or the like, usu. in writing or a speech.
apologize to make in speech or writing a formal explanation and defense, as of one's actions, beliefs, or motives. [1/2 definitions]
apology a formal explanation and defense in speech or writing of one's actions, beliefs, or motives. [1/2 definitions]
application a request in writing.
archaic no longer in common use, especially in speech or writing. [1/3 definitions]
article a piece of writing in a newspaper, magazine, or book. [1/3 definitions]
artist a person who is good at painting, music, writing, or any other art. [1/2 definitions]
ASCII abbreviation of "American Standard Code for Information Interchange," originally, a standard code using numbers to represent characters used in writing English, allowing textual data to be transferred between computers. ASCII has been expanded to allow character sets from other languages to be similarly encoded.
attack to use speech or writing to criticize or injure. [1/9 definitions]
authorship the occupation or practice of writing. [1/2 definitions]
balderdash nonsensical speech or writing; foolish, unpersuasive argumentation.
ballpoint a pen that has a small ball in its tip which transfers ink from a reservoir to the writing surface; ballpoint pen.
banner a flag with a design or writing on it that represents an organization or a movement. A banner is attached to one or two poles and is often carried in ceremonies, parades, or demonstrations by one or more people. [1/3 definitions]
barbarize to commit gross errors in speaking or writing. [1/4 definitions]
bawdy indecent or risqué conversation or writing. [1/3 definitions]
belles-lettres (used with a sing. verb) elegant or polished writing; literature regarded as having an aesthetic function, as distinguished from informative or persuasive writing.