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labor to work hard and exhaustively; toil. [1/9 definitions]
moil difficult or tedious work; toil; drudgery. [1/4 definitions]
plod to work continually on a monotonous or tedious task; toil; drudge. [1/5 definitions]
Promised Land (often l.c.) heaven, or any place of refuge, happiness, fulfillment, or the like, usu. reached after worldly toil and suffering. [1/2 definitions]
slog to work hard for long periods; toil. [1/4 definitions]
toilworn showing wear, fatigue, or age as a result of toil.
travail strenuous and often painful or exhausting work; toil. [1/4 definitions]
work to exert one's energy to achieve some result; labor; toil. [1/22 definitions]