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Adam's apple the projection at the front of the human throat formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx, visible esp. in men.
black tie the entire outfit worn by men on semiformal occasions. [1/2 definitions]
black-tie requiring semi-formal attire, esp., for the men, a black bow tie and dinner jacket or tuxedo.
burka a piece of outerwear for men made out of felt or karakul worn in the Caucasus region. [1/2 definitions]
centurion in ancient Rome, an officer in command of a company of about one hundred men.
chiton in ancient Greece, a tunic or gown worn by men and women. [1/2 definitions]
curtsy a formal gesture of respect, made by girls and women, in which the body is lowered slightly by bending the knees while, often, one foot extends behind the other; counterpart of a bow by boys and men. [1/2 definitions]
Declaration of Sentiments the document signed in 1848 by 68 women and 32 men in connection with the first women's rights convention.
double standard any standard set of principles or code of behavior applied in such a way that one group is favored over another, such as men over women or whites over blacks.
doublet a snug jacket, sometimes sleeveless and sometimes having a short skirt, worn by men during the Renaissance. [1/4 definitions]
draft board a body of citizens who select men for compulsory U.S. military service.
escadrille a unit of military airplanes with men and equipment, as in France during World War I.
feminism the doctrine advocating the same social, political, and economic rights for women as for men. [1/2 definitions]
full dress a set or style of clothes customarily worn for formal or ceremonial occasions, usu. including black tailcoats for men and long dresses for women.
gaberdine a long, loose, coarsely woven coat worn by Jewish men in the Middle Ages. [1/2 definitions]
geisha a Japanese woman who is trained as a dancer, musician, and conversationalist, and who is paid to entertain and provide companionship for men.
gender gap a difference between the attitudes or values of men and women as evidenced in voting patterns, public opinion polls, and the like.
gnome1 one of a group of little old men of folklore and fairy tales who live inside the earth and guard precious treasure. [1/2 definitions]
gold digger (informal) a woman who forms attachments to men chiefly for material gain from them. [1/2 definitions]
good guy (usu. pl.; informal) morally good people, esp. good men. [1/4 definitions]
Grand Army of the Republic an organization founded in 1866 by men who had served in the Union Army or Navy during the U.S. Civil War.