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appear to seem. [1/5 definitions]
beggar to cause to seem inadequate. [1/4 definitions]
belittle to make (someone or something) seem less in size, value, or importance; depreciate.
bulk to be or seem to be large or important. [1/7 definitions]
burst to be or seem to be full and ready to break open or explode. [1/8 definitions]
call to beckon or to seem welcoming or enticing. [1/22 definitions]
celestial sphere the infinitely large, imaginary sphere around the earth in which the stars, planets, and other celestial objects seem to be located.
come to life to seem alive or resemble something alive. [1/3 definitions]
copula in grammar, a verb or other word that connects a subject and a predicate, such as "is" in "John is an engineer" and "seem" in "They seem tired"; linking verb. [1/3 definitions]
dangle to offer or seem to offer (something desirable) so as to tempt or motivate. [1/3 definitions]
exaggerate to make (something) be or seem larger or more extreme. [1/3 definitions]
feel to seem to be; appear. [1/15 definitions]
fever to cause or seem to cause a fever in. [1/4 definitions]
focus the point at which rays, esp. optical, come together, or from which they seem to radiate. [1/9 definitions]
glorification a form of something that has been made, or made to seem, more splendid or wonderful. [1/2 definitions]
inflate to cause to seem larger or more important than reality warrants; exaggerate. [1/5 definitions]
larger-than-life having qualities or behaviors that seem magnified or exaggerated beyond those of ordinary human beings; impressive; imposing.
light1 to become or seem illuminated (usu. fol. by "up"). [1/13 definitions]
look to seem or appear. [1/12 definitions]
look like (informal) to seem likely based on what one can see or what one knows at the present time; look or seem as if. [1/2 definitions]
magnetic pole either of the apparent poles of a permanent magnet, at which the lines of magnetic force seem to converge. [1/2 definitions]