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abroad outside of one's home. [2/4 definitions]
around so as to make a circular route or pattern outside of (something). [1/13 definitions]
astral pertaining to spiritual existence, esp. to a human being's existence outside of his or her body. [1/2 definitions]
bomb cyclone a cyclone that rapidly intensifies in areas outside of the tropics. A bomb cyclone may bring with it a vast amount of snow or rain over an area.
buttress a structure that gives support to the outside of a building by absorbing excessive outward thrust. [1/4 definitions]
CIA abbreviation of "Central Intelligence Agency," a U.S. agency of the federal government that oversees intelligence operations outside of the country.
cohabit to live together in an intimate relationship, esp. outside of marriage.
convex having a surface or outer edge that curves outward like the outside of a ball. (Cf. concave.)
crust the baked dough on the outside of baked goods such as bread, pies, or pizza. [1/7 definitions]
deck an open, usually wooden, platform, attached to the outside of a house or other building, typically used for dining or relaxing. [1/6 definitions]
Diaspora the body of Jews living outside of Israel. [1/3 definitions]
elude to escape from or remain outside of the grasp of. [1/2 definitions]
epicycle in geometry, a small circle that rolls on the inside or the outside of the circumference of a larger circle. [1/2 definitions]
epithelium a protective, membranous layer of tissue, usu. a single layer of close-knit cells, that lines the cavities and the outside of an organism.
eternal having no beginning or end; existing outside of time; timeless. [1/4 definitions]
exogamy marriage outside of one's tribe or similar social unit. (Cf. endogamy.) [1/2 definitions]
exterior angle any of the four angles formed outside of two parallel lines where they are intersected by a transverse line. (Cf. interior angle.) [1/2 definitions]
extracurricular outside the regular curriculum of a school, or outside of academic pursuits in a school. [1/2 definitions]
extralegal not regulated or permitted by law; outside of legal authority.
extramundane being or occurring outside of the physical and material world or universe.
extrasensory outside of what can be perceived or experienced by the senses.