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accretion the process of gradual increase or growth, esp. by additions from the outside. [1/3 definitions]
atrophy a gradual wasting away of a body part, esp. from insufficient use or nourishment. [1/4 definitions]
attrition a gradual wearing down or erosion as a result of friction. [3 definitions]
coax to persuade or try to do so by gradual, gentle means such as flattery, pleading, or promises. [1/3 definitions]
convalescence the gradual process of recuperation from an illness, or the period during which it takes place.
creep in geology, the gradual slipping downhill of loose soil or stones. [2/12 definitions]
creepage a gradual movement as of soil, rock, or glaciers.
crescendo a gradual increase in loudness, force, or intensity, esp. of a musical passage, or the peak of such an increase. (Cf. decrescendo.) [1/5 definitions]
cumulative becoming larger or greater by means of gradual addition. [2 definitions]
decrement the amount lost by a gradual reduction or decrease. (Cf. increment.) [1/2 definitions]
decrescendo a gradual decrease in loudness, force, or intensity, esp. of a musical passage; diminuendo. (Cf. crescendo.) [1/5 definitions]
degeneration the gradual decrease in the efficiency of bodily organs or tissues, resulting from disease or aging. [1/4 definitions]
diminuendo a gradual decrease in loudness or force, esp. in music; decrescendo. [1/3 definitions]
drain a continuous and gradual depletion. [2/12 definitions]
evolution a gradual process of change and development that something goes through, usu. becoming more complex and sometimes better. [1/3 definitions]
evolved having undergone a gradual process of change and development, esp. toward a more complex, advanced, or enlightened state.
Fabian a person affiliated with the Fabian Society, founded in 1884 in England to promote the gradual spreading of socialism. [1/2 definitions]
Fabian Society an organization established by English socialists in 1884 whose objective was to spread socialism through gradual reform.
fade the gradual appearance or disappearance of an image or scene in a film. [1/6 definitions]
fade-in a gradual increase in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.
fade-out a gradual decrease in the sharpness of focus or visibility of a scene or image in film or television, or in the audibility of sound in broadcasting.