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barbed wire a wire or strands of wire with barbs at regular intervals, used as a military barrier or fencing for livestock; barbwire.
en garde on guard (French); the opening position in fencing from which one must either attack or defend. [1/2 definitions]
épée a fencing sword having a three-sided blade and a blunt circular tip guard.
fence to participate in the sport of fencing. [1/5 definitions]
foil3 a narrow lightweight sword with a flexible blade, a flat handguard, and a blunt point, used in fencing. [2 definitions]
kendo a Japanese sport of fencing with bamboo sticks.
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing. [1/5 definitions]
riposte a quick return thrust in fencing, made after parrying a lunge by one's opponent. [2/4 definitions]
saber a dueling or fencing sword with a cup-shaped hand guard and a two-edged blade. [1/3 definitions]
singlestick a fencing stick that is fitted with a hand guard, or the sport or exercise of fencing with such a stick.
swordplay the skill or action of using a sword; fencing.
swordsman one who engages in the sport of fencing. [1/2 definitions]
tierce in fencing, the third defensive position. [1/4 definitions]
touché used in fencing to indicate a valid hit or touch. [1/2 definitions]
volt2 in fencing, a sudden leap or turn made to avoid a thrust. [1/2 definitions]