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bar sinister any stigma or reproach that becomes attached to someone or something. [1/3 definitions]
berate to reproach or scold severely.
blameworthy meriting reproach or blame.
deplorable deserving of contempt, censure, or reproach; very bad; wretched. [1/2 definitions]
lily-white pure and innocent; beyond reproach; unsullied. [1/4 definitions]
reproachable combined form of reproach.
reproachful expressing or full of reproach or accusation.
self-abuse blame or reproach of oneself. [1/2 definitions]
stigma a long-lasting mark or stain on one's character or reputation, esp. of disgrace or reproach. [1/5 definitions]
taunt to reproach, deride, or challenge in scornful, insulting language; jeer at. [1/2 definitions]
tut used to express irritation, impatience, reproach, or the like.
upbraid to criticize or reproach severely; reprimand.