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Dictionary Suite
dastardly cowardly; mean; sneaky.
devious not open, honest, or straightforward; sneaky; underhanded. [1/2 definitions]
lurk to act in a sneaky, furtive manner; prowl about. [1/3 definitions]
scheming tending to plan sneaky or clever actions, esp. for one's own advantage.
sly devious or untrustworthy; sneaky. [1/3 definitions]
snoop to pry into others' affairs or possessions, esp. in a sneaky way. [1/2 definitions]
stealthy done or acting in a secretive or covert way; sneaky; furtive.
underhand secret and sneaky; underhanded. [1/3 definitions]
underhanded intentionally deceptive; sneaky.
weasel a sneaky or sly person. [1/4 definitions]