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Dictionary Suite
beggarly extremely poor or unkempt; like a beggar. [1/2 definitions]
dingy dirty or unkempt, as clothing or a living place; grimy. [1/2 definitions]
disheveled undone and loosely hanging; unkempt. [1/2 definitions]
drab2 a dirty, unkempt woman; slattern. [1/3 definitions]
grubby dirty or unkempt. [1/3 definitions]
mangy shabby, worn, and unkempt; squalid. [1/2 definitions]
messiness the condition of being very untidy or unkempt. [1/2 definitions]
ragged attired in worn or threadbare clothing; in disarray; unkempt. [1/5 definitions]
ragtag shaggy, unkempt, or decrepit; in poor condition; ramshackle.
scraggly uneven or unkempt; ragged.
seedy unkempt or shabby. [1/3 definitions]
shaggy long, tangled, and unkempt. [1/2 definitions]
slattern an unkempt, careless woman. [1/2 definitions]