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Dictionary Suite
agitation the stirring up of public unrest or controversy over some social or political issue. [1/3 definitions]
agitator one who incites unrest or controversy, esp. one who does so for pay or to further a political cause. [1/2 definitions]
furor a specific uproar or state of unrest, such as that caused by a scandal or incident of injustice. [1/4 definitions]
hot spot (informal) a region of social or political unrest, potential violence, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
turbulence commotion, violent disorder, or unrest. [1/2 definitions]
turbulent in a state of agitation, unrest, or turmoil. [2/3 definitions]
unquiet characterized by agitation, turbulence, disorder, or unrest. [1/3 definitions]