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biopic a biographical film or television program often containing scenes that are fictional in order to fill out the plot and add drama, humor, or suspense to make the real life subject compelling to an audience.
cliff-hanger a dramatic production, esp. a serial, in which the audience is held in suspense at the end of each installment. [1/2 definitions]
cutaway a switch from one scene to another in a film, used to create suspense, show a simultaneous event, or the like; cutaway shot. [1/4 definitions]
irony the use of such contrast in drama, as between the actual situation and what the characters understand or say about it, to create suspense or comedy. [1/3 definitions]
melodrama a drama, or type of drama, characterized by exaggeration in the writing, production, and acting, and including much suspense and sentimentality. [1/2 definitions]
on pins and needles highly excited, nervous, or anxious, esp. in anticipation of something; filled with suspense.
on tenterhooks in a condition of anxiety, tension, or uneasy suspense.
suspenseless combined form of suspense.
tense1 marked by or causing anxiety or nervous suspense. [1/4 definitions]
with bated breath with breath suspended or held due to anxiety or suspense.