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Dictionary Suite
calamari squid after it has been cooked, esp. as an Italian dish.
cephalopod any of various marine mollusks, such as the octopus or squid, that have highly developed eyes, and tentacles attached to the head around the mouth.
decapod a mollusk having ten tentacles or legs, such as a cuttlefish or squid. [1/2 definitions]
dibranchiate any of various tentacled mollusks, such as octopus and squid, that have one pair of gills.
krill tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans that feed on plankton and are in turn fed on by whales, seals, squid, sharks, and other sea animal species.
mollusk any of a large phylum of mostly marine invertebrates, including snails, clams, squid, and octopuses, that have soft unsegmented bodies usu. covered by a shell.
siphon a projecting tube, as in squid and shellfish, through which sea water is taken in and expelled. [1/3 definitions]
squid any of numerous marine animals that have an elongated body, a pair of fins, and ten long muscular tentacles surrounding the mouth. Squid range in size from quite tiny to over forty feet in length.
tentacle any of various long thin flexible appendages that protrude usu. around the head or mouth of some animals, such as the octopus and the squid, and serve esp. for feeling or grasping. [1/3 definitions]