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advent the arrival or coming to exist, esp. of something important. [1/2 definitions]
arr.1 abbreviation of "arrival," the act of reaching a certain place or goal.
coming arrival or approach. [1/2 definitions]
coming-of-age arrival at maturity, prominence, or respectability.
D.O.A. abbreviation of "dead on arrival."
ETA abbreviation of "estimated time of arrival."
greeting (pl.) used to express good wishes or friendliness to others upon one's arrival. [1/3 definitions]
guided missile a missile that is capable of being guided throughout its flight until arrival at its target. (See ballistic missile.)
harbinger someone or something that signals or foreshadows a later arrival or occurrence; herald; forerunner. [1/2 definitions]
incidence the arrival of a light ray or the like on a surface. [1/3 definitions]
latchkey of or designating a child who is unsupervised between arriving home after school and the arrival of a parent from work. [1/2 definitions]
pre-Columbian of, or occurring or existing in, the Americas before the arrival of Columbus.
precursor one that comes before and proclaims the arrival of someone or something; indication that a specific event will soon take place. [1/2 definitions]
punch in to record the time of arrival for work, esp. by pressing a card into a device called a time clock.
reception (chiefly British) the place where one reports one's arrival and is greeted at a hotel or office, or at a large function; reception desk. [1/6 definitions]
reception desk the place where one reports one's arrival and is greeted at a hotel or office, or at a large function.
Taíno a member of an American Indian tribe that inhabited the Bahamas and parts of the Antilles before the arrival of Columbus and that eventually became extinct after Spanish colonization of the islands. [1/2 definitions]
time clock a clock that records the exact time on a card, used by employees to record the time of their arrival at and departure from work.
timetable a schedule listing the times at which or within which certain events, such as the arrival and departure of trains, buses, and airplanes, are to occur.
TOA abbreviation of "time of arrival."
welcome to respond to the arrival of with pleasure and hospitality. [1/9 definitions]