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anomalistic tending to differ from the norm. [1/2 definitions]
anomalous differing from the norm, standard, or common type or rule; abnormal. [1/2 definitions]
conform to be or act in accordance or compliance with an established standard or norm. [1/4 definitions]
conformity accordance or compliance with a standard or norm. [1/2 definitions]
departure divergence from a norm or standard. [1/2 definitions]
deviant different from the average or accepted norm. [1/2 definitions]
dystopia an imagined state or society in which injustice, oppression, and often terror are the norm and in which, typically, a totalitarian form of government has control over all aspects of life. (Cf. utopia.) [1/2 definitions]
extreme well beyond what is considered moderate, reasonable, or within the norm. [1/7 definitions]
imbecile (outdated; no longer in scientific use) one whose mental development is above the level of idiocy but still below the norm. [1/4 definitions]
individual different from the norm; untypical; unique. [1/5 definitions]
normative of, pertaining to, or prescribing a law, standard, or norm, esp. with regard to correctness in speaking, writing, or behavior.
out of used to indicate a deviation from the norm, the correct standard, or the expected. [1/9 definitions]
par the norm or the average in amount or degree; standard. [1/7 definitions]
retarded showing a rate of advancement that is slower than the norm. [1/2 definitions]
straight not departing from the norm; conventional. [1/20 definitions]
supernormal far above the norm or average. [1/2 definitions]
variant something that shows differences from a norm or average, or from others of the same type. [1/3 definitions]