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Dictionary Suite
abolish to take out of existence. [1/2 definitions]
draw to take out, as from an account. [1/19 definitions]
extract to remove or take out by use of force. [1/9 definitions]
insure to take out an insurance policy on (something) that will pay out a specified amount should that thing be lost or damaged. [1/6 definitions]
pit2 to take out the pit or pits of (a fruit or fruits). [1/2 definitions]
pull to take out (a weapon), as to use it. [1/16 definitions]
smuggle to bring in or take out in secret. [1/3 definitions]
unsling to take out of a sling, or to remove from a slung position. [1/2 definitions]
yank (informal) to pull or take out suddenly or abruptly; jerk. [1/2 definitions]