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cyberterrorism damage to or disruption of computer systems by terrorists, or the use of computer systems in terrorist activities.
direct action a form of non-violent political action using immediately available means of communication, disruption, and confrontation, such as picketing, boycotts, demonstrations, and roadblocks.
disorder a disruption of public order; civic disturbance. [1/5 definitions]
disturbance a disruption of public order and tranquillity; commotion. [2/5 definitions]
jet lag a temporary disruption of biological rhythms as the result of traveling by jet airplane across several time zones.
rearrange to arrange again following a disruption. [1/2 definitions]
seizure a sudden and violent disruption of usual brain activity, such as that which occurs in epilepsy, which affects the nervous system temporarily and renders the body out of control. [1/3 definitions]
sequestration in chemistry, a disruption of normal ion behavior in a solution by added material, with which the ions form a stable, soluble complex. [1/3 definitions]
squall1 a sudden, brief commotion or disruption. [1/3 definitions]
tranquil free from turmoil, disruption, noise, or agitation; calm, steady, or peaceful.
upheaval a sudden, often violent disruption or change. [1/2 definitions]