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bot the botfly larva.
caddisworm the wormlike larva of a caddisfly that lives in fresh water in an elongated case made of sand, plant debris, and the silk secreted by the larva after hatching.
caterpillar a butterfly or moth larva, resembling a worm and often brightly colored. [1/2 definitions]
chigger a tiny parasitic mite larva that lives in the skin of vertebrates, causing severe itching and possible spreading of infectious disease. [1/2 definitions]
corn borer a moth larva that is highly destructive to corn and other plants.
cysticercus the larva of any of several tapeworms, consisting of a headlike part enclosed in a fluid-filled sac; bladderworm.
doodlebug the larva of an ant lion.
grub the slow-moving, wormlike larva of a beetle or similar insect. [1/8 definitions]
gypsy moth a moth having as its larva a hairy caterpillar that is extremely destructive to foliage.
hellgrammite the larva of a dobsonfly, often used as fish bait.
inchworm a wormlike moth larva that alternately arches and stretches its body as it moves.
jumping bean the seed of certain Mexican plants of the spurge family, which contains the larva of a small moth whose movements cause the seed to roll and jump.
maggot the sluglike larva of the fly and many other insects. [1/2 definitions]
naiad the aquatic larva of certain insects such as the dragonfly. [1/2 definitions]
polliwog a frog or toad larva in its water-dwelling stage, when it has a tail and gills; tadpole.
root borer an insect or its larva that bores into plant roots.
roseslug the larva of any of certain sawflies, which feeds on rose leaves.
screwworm the larva of a blowfly that infests wounds, the nostrils, or the navel of certain animals and man, often causing disease.
scrub typhus an acute infectious disease of Asia that is transmitted by a mite larva and characterized by fever, rash, skin lesions, and painful swelling of the lymph glands.
seventeen-year locust a cicada of the eastern United States that lives as a larva in the soil for thirteen to seventeen years before emerging for a short adult life.
silkworm the larva of an Asian moth that spins pure and commercially valued silk to form its cocoon, or any of various other moth larvae that spin cocoons of similar material.