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contort to twist into an unusual or unnatural shape. [2 definitions]
denaturalize to make or render unnatural. [1/2 definitions]
emaciation unnatural thinness, as caused by starvation or disease. [1/2 definitions]
forced false, strained, or unnatural. [1/2 definitions]
grotesque unnatural, distorted, or ugly in character or appearance. [2/4 definitions]
medical examiner a public official authorized to perform autopsies on the bodies of persons thought to have died of unnatural causes; coroner. [1/2 definitions]
mince to pronounce or utter with unnatural or affected refinement. [2/7 definitions]
pallor unnatural paleness, esp. of the face.
perish to die or be destroyed, esp. in an untimely or unnatural way. [1/2 definitions]
pica2 an abnormal craving for unnatural foods such clay or dirt.
preternatural out of or beyond the natural; extraordinary or unnatural. [1/2 definitions]
self-examination a brief external physical scrutiny of oneself, as for unnatural lumps in the breasts or testes. [1/2 definitions]
stagy having qualities associated with a theatrical play; affected; unnatural.
unearthly weird and frightening; unnatural. [1/3 definitions]
wooden having no grace; stiff; unnatural. [1/3 definitions]