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acetal a colorless, flammable, volatile liquid compound used as a solvent, in perfumes and cosmetics, in organic synthesis, and to induce hypnosis. [1/2 definitions]
acetaldehyde a colorless, flammable, organic solvent.
acetamide a colorless water-soluble crystalline solid used esp. in forming organic compounds.
acetic acid a clear, colorless, sour liquid compound that is the main ingredient in vinegar and is used in solvents, acetate fibers, plastics, and other products.
acetylene a highly flammable colorless gas used esp. to cut and weld metal and to give light.
achromatic consisting of black, gray, or white; colorless. [1/3 definitions]
achromic lacking color; colorless.
air the tasteless, odorless, and colorless mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and other gases that forms the earth's atmosphere. [1/8 definitions]
alcohol one of a class of colorless, flammable, and volatile liquids that in pure form is contained in beverages such as beer, wine, and whiskey, and causes intoxication when drunk to excess; ethanol. [1/3 definitions]
amidol a colorless crystalline substance used in developing photographs.
ammonium hydroxide a colorless basic solution produced by dissolving ammonia in water, used as a household cleaner and in the production of textiles, plastic, and the like. (See ammonia.)
aniline an oily, colorless, poisonous liquid used in producing rubber, drugs, and dyes. [1/2 definitions]
aquavit a strong, colorless Scandinavian liquor flavored with caraway seeds.
benzene a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid, obtained from petroleum and coal tar and used in or to make a wide variety of chemical products, such as insecticides, motor fuels, and solvents.
benzine a colorless, liquid mixture of flammable hydrocarbons, used as a solvent in cleaning and dyeing and as a motor fuel.
carbon dioxide a colorless, odorless, incombustible gas that is produced naturally in breathing, combustion, and decomposition, and commercially for use in dry ice, fire extinguishers, and carbonated beverages.
carbonic acid a weak colorless unstable acid, present only in solution, formed by dissolving carbon dioxide in water.
carbon monoxide a colorless, odorless, combustible, and very poisonous gas, produced by the incomplete combustion of material containing carbon, such as gasoline, because of insufficient air.
carbon tetrachloride a colorless, nonflammable, vaporous, poisonous liquid used as a fire extinguisher, cleaning fluid, and solvent, and in making refrigerants.
castor oil a colorless or yellowish oil derived from castor beans and used as a lubricant and cathartic.
chloral an oily, colorless liquid, used in making chloral hydrate and DDT. [1/2 definitions]