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Dictionary Suite
homophile supportive of the well-being and civil rights of homosexuals. [1/2 definitions]
rooter2 an enthusiastic or supportive follower. [1/2 definitions]
sclerenchyma supportive or protective plant tissue consisting of thick-walled dead cells, as in a nutshell.
spoils system the political practice, by the winning candidates or party in an election, of rewarding loyal or supportive persons with appointments to public office.
stick2 to remain loyal or supportive. [1/19 definitions]
stroma in anatomy, the supportive framework of an organ, typically consisting of connective tissue. [1/3 definitions]
talking point a fact, idea, or view that is esp. persuasive or supportive of one side in an argument.
vascular bundle in botany, an aggregate plant unit composed of strands of conductive and supportive tissue.