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alum any one of various double sulfates of a trivalent metal and a univalent metal. [1/2 definitions]
arsenious composed of or involving arsenic, esp. in its trivalent state.
chlorous of or containing trivalent chlorine.
chromic of or containing trivalent chromium.
gallium a silvery metal chemical element that has thirty-one protons in each nucleus, usu. forms a trivalent ion, and is often used in pure form in high-temperature thermometers because it melts at just above room temperature and remains liquid up to 1983 degrees Celsius. (symbol: Ga)
lanthanum a chemical element of the rare-earth group that has fifty-seven protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a soft, highly reactive, solid metal or as a trivalent ion. (symbol: La)
neodymium a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has sixty protons in each nucleus and that occurs most frequently as a trivalent ion in salts and minerals, used esp. in coloring high-quality optical glass. (symbol: Nd)
phosphide a chemical compound made of trivalent phosphorus and a radical or another element.
phosphorous of, like, containing, or pertaining to phosphorus, esp. trivalent phosphorus.
scandium a metallic chemical element that has twenty-one protons in each nucleus and that forms a trivalent ion present in trace quantities in many minerals. (symbol: Sc)
yttrium a metallic chemical element that has thirty-nine protons in each nucleus and that occurs as a trivalent ion. (symbol: Y)