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Dictionary Suite
afresh once again; anew.
de novo (Latin) from the beginning; anew; afresh.
go back to the drawing board to start at the very beginning again; begin anew.
newborn newly reborn; begun anew. [1/3 definitions]
newly anew. [1/3 definitions]
re- anew; again. [1/3 definitions]
readjust to adapt oneself anew. [1/2 definitions]
recompose to compose anew; rearrange or reconstitute. [1/2 definitions]
recrudesce to become active again or break out anew, as a disease or harmful condition.
refund2 to pay back (a debt) by borrowing anew. [1/2 definitions]
reorganize to organize (something) anew.
re-sort to arrange or sort (things) anew.
restart to cause (an active computer) to start its operations anew without shutting down. [2/5 definitions]