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abide to tolerate (usu. used in negative construction). [1/6 definitions]
brook2 to tolerate.
countenance to allow, approve, or tolerate. [1/4 definitions]
discountenance to refuse to tolerate or support; disapprove. [1/2 definitions]
drug resistance the reduction in effectiveness of a drug in curing an infectious disease or cancer. Drug resistance typically develops when pathogenic cells or cancerous cells evolve the ability to tolerate a drug used to kill them.
drug-resistant of or relating to a pathogen or cancer that has evolved the ability to tolerate a drug.
endure to put up with or tolerate. [1/4 definitions]
hack1 (informal) to tolerate; cope with. [1/12 definitions]
handle to tolerate; cope with. [1/7 definitions]
live with to tolerate; put up with.
make the best of to tolerate and deal with (a difficult or unpleasant situation) as cheerfully as one can or to the best of one's ability.
multidrug resistance the reduction in effectiveness of more than one drug in curing an infectious disease or cancer. Drug resistance typically develops when pathogenic cells or cancerous cells evolve the ability to tolerate drugs used to kill them.
multidrugresistant of or relating to a disease-causing agent, such as a pathogen or cancer, that has evolved the ability to tolerate more than one drug, or to a disease caused by such an agent.
neatnik (informal) a person who cannnot tolerate mess and needs to keep things clean and in their proper place at all times.
put up with to accept or live with (a difficult thing or person); tolerate.
stand to tolerate; endure. [1/25 definitions]
stand for to tolerate. [1/2 definitions]
stomach tendency to like, desire, or tolerate. [2/6 definitions]
suffer to tolerate. [1/7 definitions]
sufferance the capacity to endure or tolerate pain, want, or the like; endurance. [1/2 definitions]
take to withstand; endure; tolerate. [1/36 definitions]